The Ultimate Edge program comes with a comprehensive Tony Robbins Workbook PDF that accompanies the audio program.
It provides structure and a framework for you to apply the program's lessons, stay organized, and track your progress towards success. You will get way more out of the program and stay accountable and motivated as you work towards your goals by answering the questions in the workbook.
You can Download Tony Robbins Workbook PDF or below you will find all the questions should you not want to print out the workbook with its extra pages.
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Week 1 | Week 2 | Week 3
Week 4 | Week 5 | Week 6
Week 7 | Week 8 | Week 9 | Week 10
Week 1: Your Assignment
Decisions & Destiny - Part 1
Week 2: Your Assignment
Decisions & Destiny - Part 2
Write What an Extraordinary Life Would Be Like for You Today
Write a paragraph or two to answer this question: What would your life be like if it was exactly the way you wanted it to be today?
In other words, start with the ultimate end in mind. If your life were extraordinary - life on your terms - what would that look like? How would you change? What would you enhance? Who would you spend more time with? What would you appreciate more? What would you do?
Look back to your first assignment on week 1 and review your answers on the areas of your life that you are happy and unhappy about. Now take a few minutes to dig further and open up that invisible part of you that controls your destiny by re-associating with what you wrote down in a deeper context, especially knowing what you know about your Blueprint.
A. With all that you know about your life, what would be the more important need(s) to value?
B. What’s most important in life, and how will you get there?
Your Hour of Power
Which emotions do you feel on a regular basis? Make a list of all the emotions you consistently experience in an average week.
Empowering/Positive Emotions
Disempowering/Painful Emotions
Week 3: Your Assignment
The Key to Personal Power: Decision
The Controlling Forces That Direct Your Life
The Power of Associations
STEP 1: Make two decisions. What are two decisions you’ve been putting off which, when you make them now, will change your life?
STEP 2: Take immediate action. What are three simple things you can do immediately that will be consistent with your two new decisions? Whom could you call? What could you commit to? What letter could you write? What could you do instead of your old behavior?
Use pain and pleasure instead of letting pain and pleasure use you
STEP 1: Four new actions. What are four new actions you know you should take now?
STEP 2: Pain you’ve associated with following through. What is the pain you’ve associated with these actions in the past?
STEP 3: Pleasure you’ve associated with not following through. What is the pleasure you took from not following through in the past?
STEP 4: Pain if you don’t follow through. What will it cost you if you don’t follow through now?
STEP 5: Pleasure if you do follow through. What are the benefits you’ll gain by taking action in each of these areas now? How will it enhance your life? How will it create greater joy, happiness, success, freedom or pride?
Decide you will change these today. Simple awareness can be curative. It can break the pattern of allowing our unconscious conditioning to control us.
STEP 1: Three empowering neuro-associations from your past. What are three neuro-associations that you’ve made in the past that have positively shaped your destiny?
STEP 2: Three disempowering neuro-associations from your past. What are three neuro-associations that you’ve made in the past that have disempowered you until now?
Week 4: Your Assignment
3 Steps to Lasting Change
The Goal-Setting Workshop
For each or the four actions you listed in week 3, do the following.
STEP 1: Get leverage. Ten reasons why I must change now, and why I know I can do it.
STEP 2: Interrupt your own pattern. Four of five ways to get myself out of the limiting associations.
STEP 3: Condition yourself by rehearsing your new behaviour. Give yourself a sense of accomplishment and exhilaration, pride, or joy each time you do this. Do it consistently.
As you listen to the real-time goal-setting workshop, follow my instructions and use the following to record your goals. At the end of the session, take these three additional steps:
STEP 1: Keep your top nine goals and the reasons you are committed to achieving them in front of you on a consistent basis. Put them inside the cover of your journal or someplace where you will see them every day.
STEP 2: Never leave the site of setting a goal without taking some action toward its attainment. For each of your top nine goals, write down one action you can take immediately to make initial progress toward achieving it. Take that action today!
STEP 3: Take the rocking chair test: Imagine yourself much older, sitting in your rocking chair and looking back on your life, as if you had not achieved your goal; then imagine that you have achieved it. Experience the pain that would come from not doing it and the pleasure that would come from accomplishing your goal.
Personal Development Goals
List your personal development goals. Next to each one, write down the time within which you are committed to accomplishing it (e.g., 1, 3, 5, 10, 20 years).
Personal Development Goals
Identify your top three personal development goals. For each one, write a paragraph telling why you are absolutely committed to achieving this goal now.
Things Goals
A) List your material goals. Next to each one, write down the time within which you are committed to attaining it (e.g., 1, 3, 5, 10, 20 years).
B) Identify your top three material goals. For each one, write a paragraph telling why you are absolutely committed to attaining this goal now.
Economic or Financial Goals
A) List your economic or financial goals. Next to each one, write down the time within which you are committed to accomplishing it (e.g., 1, 3, 5, 10, 20 years).
B) Identify your top three economic or financial goals. For each one, write a paragraph telling why you are absolutely committed to achieving this goal now.
Week 5: Your Assignment
Driving Force - Your 6 Human Needs
The Rapid Planning Method
1. Certainty
How do you try to get certainty in your life? List some of the ways you try to be certain you can be comfortable, avoid pain and gain pleasure.
2. Uncertainty/Variety
How do you try to get variety in your life? List some of the positive ways you try to create surprise, challenges and diversity in your life.
3. Significance
How do you try to get significance in your life? List some of the things you do that make you feel unique, needed, fulfilled or significant.
4. Love and Connection
How do you try to get love and connection in your life? List some of the ways you try to feel connected to yourself, to others, to your Creator.
5. Growth
6. Contribution
How do you try to get growth and contribution in your life? List some of the things you do to obtain the feeling that you are growing and contributing - to yourself, to others, to the world at large.
1. What’s something you love to do, something you feel compelled to do, something that feels effortless for you? On a 0–10 scale, how much does this activity meet your need for:
Certainty __________
Uncertainty __________
Significance __________
Love & Connection __________
Growth __________
Contribution __________
2. What’s something you hate to do, or try to avoid doing? On a 0–10 scale, how much does this activity meet your need for:
Certainty __________
Uncertainty __________
Significance __________
Love and Connection __________
Growth __________
Contribution __________
3. Write down something you don’t like to do but have to do (a Class 2 experience that doesn’t feel good but is good for you, is good for others and serves the greater good): Turn that activity into a Class 1 experience by finding ways to make sure it meets all six of your needs at a greater level.
Certainty: What could I do or believe to make thinking about this activity feel not only
comfortable but also pleasurable?
Uncertainty: How could I bring more variety to this task?
Significance: How can I appreciate how important this is?
Love & Connection: How can I feel more love while I’m doing this?
Growth & Contribution: How can I feel like I’m growing and contributing?
Week 6: Your Assignment
Results Workshop - Part 1
Results Workshop - Part 2
The 7 Steps of Conscious Change
STEP 1: Get Disturbed
EXERCISE: How do you rationalize?
STEP 2: Make a Real Decision
What do successful people have in common? Successful people have an RPM for their lives.
EXERCISE: Let’s Get Honest
What are you unhappy about in your career, your business, yourself, your rationalizations? Write down some things that disturb you right now.
EXERCISE:Let’s Get Honest (continued)
What are you committed to doing instead? Decide what new result you want; then write why (your purpose) you are committed to obtaining this result.
Result: I am now committed to doing:
Purpose: I am committed to this because:
STEP 3: Create a Massive Action Plan
It’s time to “draw the MAP.” To make sure you follow through, come up with a list of actions that will absolutely produce results.
EXERCISE: Brainstorm Action Items
Choose one new result you are committed to achieving, and list all the things you could do to achieve it. Don’t worry about making your list “perfect.” Just brainstorm whatever comes to mind. Include little things that you can do immediately, and do them now. Never leave the site of setting a goal without doing something toward its achievement. Send an e-mail, make a phone call, book a meeting, buy a book, etc.
EXERCISE: Brainstorm Action Items (continued)
Using language that excites you, refine the wording of your result, list a few reasons why you want to take this action (your purpose) and then commit to the actions by giving each one a deadline.
STEP 4: Change Your Limiting Beliefs
A belief is nothing more than a feeling of absolute certainty about what something means. Beliefs control our behavior. They can be unconscious or conscious, and they often stem from things we’ve heard or seen, felt a lot of emotion about and then repeated to ourselves again and again until we felt certain.
EXERCISE: Old Beliefs, New Beliefs
Write down all the old beliefs that have kept you from following through on your goal in the past.
Write down the new beliefs that will empower you from this point forward.
STEP 5: Set Yourself Up to Win
EXERCISE: Enhance the Experience
Come up with two or three ideas that can help you look forward to doing the things that will get your result. What can you focus on, pay attention to, notice, appreciate or enjoy that will enhance the experience?
STEP 6: Take Massive Action
EXERCISE: Little Action, Big Action
STEP 7: The Seventh Power
When you care how people feel about you, you make them your peers and you give them power to influence the way you think. Tap into the Seventh Power - the power of environment. Choose a peer group with a high standard, utilize a coach and immerse yourself in an environment that reinforces you for your wins and challenges you to greater heights.
Week 7: Your Assignment
The Power of Relationships - Part 1
The Power of Relationships - Part 2
1. Where are you in your intimate relationship? Which scenario best describes the current state of
your intimate relationship?
Wherever you are, be honest. Remember, honesty will bring you clarity
2. Now, whether you are in a relationship or not, describe what your ideal relationship would be like. What would you do together? How would you have fun? What would it be like to be physically, emotionally and spiritually intimate the way you truly want to be? What do you/would you have in common? How would you ideally raise children? Even if you are already in a relationship and it’s great, what more do you want?
EXERCISE: Design Your Ideal Mate
The Ideal Mate
Describe your ideal mate’s traits, habits, qualities, appearance—everything you can think of that would be important to you.
The Mate from Hell
If you have a hard time coming up with your “wish list,” start by defining “the mate from hell.” Write about the person you couldn’t stand to be with. What traits would they have? What qualities could you not stand?
EXERCISE: Design Your Ideal Mate (continued)
What Kind of Person Would You Have to Be to Attract Such a Mate? You need to become the kind of person you would like to find. Describe the values, characteristics, conduct and habits you would need in order to deserve the mate you just described.
STEP 1: First Learn to Love Yourself
For the next seven days, take two minutes each morning to look in the mirror and repeat, “I love you [your name], I love you [your name] . . .” Tell yourself the specific reasons you love yourself. Write down some of those reasons now.
STEP 2: If you’re in a relationship, make an action plan for taking it to the next level.
Make a list of things you can do to enhance your relationship. Or if you truly are not matched in your natures, your values and your goals, get really clear about that, have an honest conversation and make some decisions. Make a game plan for what you are going to do.
Step 3: If you’re single, make a marketing plan for attracting your ideal mate.
Where do you need to spend your time? Whom do you need to talk to? Create a plan for the next 30 days.
Week 8: Your Assignment
Pure Energy Live! The Keys to a Vital Life
The Power of Emotions - Your Call to Action
STEP 1: Cleanse your system
The reason we want to cleanse our bodies is because the types of toxins that find their way inside are through air pollutants, synthetic chemicals, heavy metals, and also found inside processed foods.
Benefits of cleansing include a more clear mind with increased focus, decreased inflammation, healthier skin and nails, a healthier digestive system, and even weight loss to name just a few.
Take on a 30-Day Reset to fight cravings, increase lean muscle mass, improve nutrition, stress less, sleep better, and so much more. Or if 30 day's feels like to much start with a 7-Day Reset
STEP 2: Interrupt destructive patterns that don’t serve you
Write down at least three destructive patterns in which you’ve been engaging. Come up with one or two ways to interrupt each pattern the next time it arises.
Destructive Pattern. Example: I often get angry.
Pattern Interrupts. When I begin to feel angry, I will take five deep breaths and list at least three things I’m grateful for in my life.
STEP 3: Provide your body with its vital needs
Write a paragraph or two describing why you are now committed to providing your body with the things it needs. What will it give you? What has not doing this up until now caused you to miss out on or lose in your life?
The 10 Emotions of Power
The best way to get yourself to do something is to put yourself in an emotional state where that behavior becomes automatic. For example, the easiest way to have close relationships and do the things that make you feel close to other people is to cultivate the emotion of being loving and warm. Here are 10 quick emotions to plant in your life on a daily basis. If you cultivate these emotions and focus on feeling them every day, you will plant the seeds of greatness in your life.
1. Love and Warmth 2. Appreciation and Gratitude 3. Curiosity 4. Excitement and Passion 5. Determination 6. Flexibility 7. Confidence 8. Cheerfulness 9. Vitality 10. Contribution
STEP 1: For the next two days, notice any negative or disempowering feelings that come up, and apply the six-step process. Record your progress.
Negative emotion:
How I handled it:
STEP 2: Make a list of all the things you can do to make yourself feel good.
STEP 3: For each of the 10 action signals you learned in this session, develop a new belief that will help you avoid feeling these emotions.
Use the Daily Mood Meter Tracker ti record your process for 30 days.
Week 9: Your Assignment
Financial Freedom: Your Foundation for Lasting Wealth
The Purpose of Life - Finding Your Real Inner Drive
STEP 1: Decide how you’re going to allocate your assets.
I’m going to invest __________% of my income.
I’m going to split my investments in this ratio (for example, 50/50 or 60/40):
Security Bucket: __________%
Growth Bucket: __________%
STEP 2: Make it a must for you
Write a paragraph or two about why you must be wealthy and what it will do for you, your family, your life. What will it give you? Who will you be? What will you do with your wealth?
STEP 3: Start making your plan
Write down the steps you must take to begin or improve your investing strategy.
STEP 4: Never leave the scene of a decision without taking some action
Choose two of the items you listed in Step 3, and do them today. Make a note of what you did.
STEP 1: Remember what you wanted to be when you “grew up,” and remember the times when you felt like you were really “on a roll.”
1. With your eyes closed, remember when you were five, six, seven years old. What did you want to be when you grew up? Why did you want to be that? What feeling did you hope it would give you?
2. Think of something else you wanted to be when you were growing up. Why did you want to be that? What feeling did you hope it would give you?
3. Think of a third thing you wanted to be. Again, why did you want to be that? What feeling did you hope it would give you?
4. Now, with your eyes closed again, think about a time when you were really on a roll, where things flowed effortlessly. What were you doing, feeling, experiencing?
5. Think of another time you were on a roll, where you felt, “This is what life’s about.” What was happening? What were you doing? How were you feeling? Were other people involved? How were you being, and what were you doing? Capture not only the idea but the feeling as well.
6. Think of a third time when you felt incredible. Notice what you were doing, creating, sharing, feeling.
STEP 2: Write your purpose
Write a simple phrase, a sentence or two. It doesn’t have to be perfect the first time. Keep brainstorming, writing several until you find the one that feels right.
Your purpose statement must:
The purpose of my life is to...
STEP 3: For the next month, keep your purpose statement in front of you
Put a copy in the system you use for managing your life, and hang another copy on a nearby wall. As you look at it each day, think about how you can live your purpose even more.
I can live my purpose even more by...
Week 10
The Final Day: Your Personal Blueprint
Transformation: The Power of Expanded Identity
The Ultimate Edge starts with taking control of the one thing that every one of us can do in an instant.
Choose what we are going to give our attention to, making a commitment to measurable improvement in the areas we want to change.
Two-Page Success Sheets to Master
Your Qtr, Month, Week & Day in
Nutrition, Exercise & Self Love